Rinaldo Wirz

Jeux vidéo et illustration pour Rinaldo Wirz : "J'aime faire se rapporcher l'imaginaire de la réalité"

Rinaldo Wirz is a Swiss artist born in 1985, living between Japan and Switzerland. Starting as a multimedia designer and then moving towards illustration and cartoon, Rinaldo landed in Japan in 2013 as a 3D animator for renowned video game companies. He then created his own video game studio, Momo-Pi, where he fully uses his experience to share his universe.
He always works on illustration in a more personal way, mixing all kinds of techniques: watercolor, charcoal, dry pastels, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, etc.
Our world that we call "reality" is in front of our eyes. But most of our experience, whether it is dreams, ideas, thoughts, remorse, memories... all this is in our heads. Rinaldo tries little by little to bring the imaginary to become reality.