Jeannot is a Swiss artist, self-taught, whose singular expressionism tells stories with jubilation

Jean-François Chappalley, alias Jeannot, is a self-taught Swiss artist. Passionate about the visual arts, Jeannot was first inspired by the great masters of painting, to find his own artistic trajectory. His singular expressionism is built around his own pictorial language, with unique mixed techniques as well as all kinds of mediums such as old frames, doors, bottles or other recovered objects.

Jeannot works in thematic series such as those of the roads, the man of light or the muses, which embody his encounters, his joys, his doubts and his fears, as if to exorcise the fragility of existence in jubilation.

The coherence of shapes and colors as well as that of the use of solids and voids on these different supports is found in both small and large formats.